Love Notes From Past Learning Journey Participants
As a practitioner of modern Western medicine, Rooting Psychedelics has been a beautiful and necessary part of my education, honouring and re-contextualizing the powerful plant medicines gifted to us all by nature. I learned so much about their sacred lives and relationships with humanity, at least as part of one prominent Mesoamerican cosmovision. I also found myself in an inspiring community space with open-hearted individuals from across the continent, sharing invaluable wisdom and generating hope for a brighter future as stewards of this planet. I will carry these lessons with me as I interact with these and other plant medicines throughout my life. The final summary of all of our brainstorming sessions is quite an impressive graphic to be able to refer back to. I loved starting each course with a moment of physical engagement - this component was unique in my many experiences of online learning and really helped with centering before a deep reflective practice. All in all I feel this course was a great feat in community building, cross-cultural knowledge sharing and the honouring of ancient cosmovision in a modern format. I am so grateful to have been a part of it.
Rooting Psychedelics Participant | 2023 Learning Journey
I’m incredibly grateful for this beautiful, loving, nourishing and transformative container. Venus is a masterful teacher. A true steward of the entheogenic plant medicines she introduced us to. We dove into some very deep discussion topics around re-indigenization, our food systems and how to be in right relationship with self/other/life. The sessions were all very impactful and healing. Her presence, integrity and devotion to keeping the Zapotec cosmovision and knowledge systems alive through storytelling and authentic sharing were a huge gift to us all. Venus, Ioana y Sara, gracias del corazon.
Rooting Psychedelics Participant | 2023 Learning Journey
The words I would use to describe the Rooting Psychedelics learning journey are rich, eye-opening and thought-provoking. Venus has brought so many things to my attention regarding her traditional knowledge and the effects of colonization. It was a gift to learn about these sacred plants and their role in the mesoamerican cosmovision, one that will help me navigate life from now on.
Rooting Psychedelics Participant | 2023 Learning Journey
I joined the Comuna Ceremonia Sessions during the pandemic - an offering aiming to connect people to the Indigenous wisdom and healing practices of Oaxaca through a virtual platform. I joined out of curiosity, but couldn't have anticipated the personal transformation that I would experience through participating in these sessions. Very grateful for the Ceremonia Sessions being a pivotal guide during this time. Gracias!
CS Participant | Autumn 2020, Winter & Spring 2021 Sessions
Every week I looked forward to the Ceremonia Sessions because they were such a heartwarming and soul-filling experience!
CS Participant | Autumn 2020 Sessions
A beautiful team that supports community building and connectedness in this era of remote experiences. They transcend the screen to make you feel like you're sharing time with loved ones in your living room. Highly recommended <3
CS Participant | Autumn 2020 and Winter 2021 Sessions
I adored your box of goodies you sent for the last Sessions, and all of the beauty you all shared with us. It was a beautiful experience overall, with wonderful videos that I was able to enjoy afterwards too. Still connected, and with deep gratitude.
CS Participant | Autumn 2020 and Winter 2021 Sessions
Participating in the Fall Ceremonia Sessions and learning traditional indigenous medicine and healing rituals from Oaxaca was one of the best parts of 2020 for me. If you’ve been looking for tools to help you feel more grounded and connected to yourself (and others) I recommend you check out these sessions offered by Comuna Project.
CS Participant | Autumn 2020 Sessions
Sara, Ioana and Claudia, I want to thank you for compiling this beautiful course for us! I really loved these sessions and found I got a lot out of each of the 4 workshops. The beauty instilled into each session was potent and moving. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us! I also want to thank Lorena, Elizabeth, Ines, and Sonia for sharing your traditional knowledge with us. This knowledge is integral to the health and wellness of each of us, and our mama Gaia. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside each of you on this healing journey.
CS Participant | Spring 2021 Sessions